University of Applied Sciences Burgenland - Wir bringen Erfolg&Geschichte zusammen.

The Burgenland University of Applied Sciences, with its two study centers in Eisenstadt and Pinkafeld in the sunniest state of Austria, is the ideal show more

+43 5 7705

1, Campus, 7000, Eisenstadt, Austria

The Burgenland University of Applied Sciences, with its two study centers in Eisenstadt and Pinkafeld in the sunniest state of Austria, is the ideal location for growth. In addition to local culinary specialties, more than 2,300 students annually grow here beyond themselves.

There are numerous Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in the following five areas:

Wirtschaft (mit Schwerpunkt Zentral-Osteuropa)
Informationstechnologie und Informationsmanagement 


A unique community of teachers, practitioners and researchers or students makes the leaders of the future mature and flourish successfully.

In addition to regionality, interculturality as well as innovation and research play an important role in the student life of the Burgenland University of Applied Sciences. Personal and individual supervision of the students is the highest goal – at the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland no one is a number.

The University of Applied Sciences Burgenland accompanies its students in their current life situations and offers service and support – for full-time students but also for extra-occupational students. Almost 6,500 graduates in good positions and an employment rate of around 98% prove the high quality of education at the university.

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