Business Category: Special joinery

Az Angel Design Kanizsa Kft kárpitos ülőbútorokat gyártó vállalkozás Nagykanizsán. A vállalkozás kizárólag prémium, és luxus kategóriás termékeket gyárt németországi exportra. Fő export termékei közé

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MÖBEL UND ALLERLEI AUS HOLZ „I have a dream…“ – sagte einst Martin Luther King. Mein persönlicher Traum ist, dass die Menschen einmal aufhören ihre Wohnungen mit Billigwaren einzurichten, die nach einigen Jahren

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Since its establishment in 1956, the company has been a leader in the domestic office furniture market. Between 1996 and 2002 sales more than doubled. The market and industry crisis that started in the second half of the decade

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CUSTOM MADE - SOLUTIONS FOR PLATES AND WOOD You have an idea, we implement it quickly. The team of Fa-Feri Kft. has the necessary skills to complete and look after all stages of the development of your dream furniture. YOU

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Every piece of furniture manufactured in our two decade old furniture factory is intended to serve its owner for many years to go, while representing the true values of our profession. Professional perfectionism is the building

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Since its establishment in 1956, the company has been a leader in the domestic office furniture market. Between 1996 and 2002 sales more than doubled. The market and industry crisis that started in the second half of the decade

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With great passion, the craftsmanship is maintained in the Filipich carpentry. Master carpenter Anton Filipich is assisted by a second carpenter, two apprentices and two apprentices. The training of apprentices is very

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