Business Category: Building

MÖBEL UND ALLERLEI AUS HOLZ „I have a dream…“ – sagte einst Martin Luther King. Mein persönlicher Traum ist, dass die Menschen einmal aufhören ihre Wohnungen mit Billigwaren einzurichten, die nach einigen Jahren

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Trion Design Studio was established in 1996. At that time, they were only making custom interior stairs. The stairs are still custom made, in constant contact with the customer. They are performed personally, or. they control

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Ubrankovics Ltd. was founded in 1990 as a family owned woodworking company. Our main activities are the production of traditional harrow-walled log houses, energy-efficient prefabricated houses with large panel technology and

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Our 100% Hungarian owned company is located at the gate of Őrség in Zalalövő. We produce 200,000 m2 of EDELHOLZ wood flooring on 6.9 hectares with 190 employees every year, processing 13,000 m3 of oak wood produced

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With great passion, the craftsmanship is maintained in the Filipich carpentry. Master carpenter Anton Filipich is assisted by a second carpenter, two apprentices and two apprentices. The training of apprentices is very

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